That's because he has just two guesses remaining that will allow him into a tiny, encrypted hard drive holding an estimated $220 million worth of Bitcoin.
Read more: Programmer can't remember password to hard drive with 0M worth of Bitcoin on it
That's because he has just two guesses remaining that will allow him into a tiny, encrypted hard drive holding an estimated $220 million worth of Bitcoin.
Read more: Programmer can't remember password to hard drive with 0M worth of Bitcoin on it
Home › Forums › Programmer can't remember password to hard drive with $220M worth of Bitcoin on it
That's because he has just two guesses remaining that will allow him into a tiny, encrypted hard drive holding an estimated $220 million worth of
[See the full post at: Programmer can't remember password to hard drive with $220M worth of Bitcoin on it]
Prefessional developer and crypto currency fan 🙂